<科技新訊> 飛行汽車 Flying Car - selling in 2011... 2011將開賣的飛行汽車 ... license, and the vehicle of the type and one math section and what is best for families. 以115 km \ h的速度可飛行725公里 您的driver's 執照必須有特別飛行許可 並且有一部這種車,且以家庭為最佳選擇。 car takes less than 30 seconds. Vehicle speed 185 km \ hour to walk 724 km in highway Car powered by gasoline And the price of the car 從汽車轉換到飛機需要少於30秒。 車速以每小時185 km \在高速公路可跑約724 km 由汽油供給動力,